Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Night Visitor

The first night we stayed at Laroo, the girls from Laroo opened up and told their stories to many of the girls. We had just finished talking about these difficult things with the girls and started out for the long night ahead. We slept with just our group in a dormitory. We failed to notice that the other students kept their windows shut at night, mistake number one. When I'm in a foreign country I always sleep with a mask on my eyes and some heavy duty earplugs. It was also so hot that I was sleeping in my t-shirt and underwear, not expecting anyone to figure that out, so I thought. At about 4:00 in the morning I hear a ruckus going in the dorm. Although I had earplugs, I hadn't slept well as a neighboring village had some kind of major party going on all night. So, I fumble out of my net and emerge in my t-shirt and underwear, mask still on and earplugs still in. SUZY (annoyed voice) "What is going on, it's 4:00 in the morning! People are trying to sleep! Get the lights off"! With that, I reluctantly take the mask off fully and realize that everyone is up. What on earth! Then, one of the girls goes onto explain that in the middle of the night, someone climbed in through the window and tried to climb into bed with two different people. I thought I had heard a scream, but had attributed it to the party outside. In actuality, it was Kendal. The girl fled the scene after Kendal screamed. We don't' know who this person was or why she was in our room. But, after the stories the girls had listened to the night before, many were very scared and didn't want to stay. Unfortunately, early in the morning, someone told a group of Laroo students what had happened and by the time we were up for the day the whole school new. We would have preferred to keep it quiet and just talk to the headmaster because of the storm in created. Everyone in the school was convinced it was a demon and stories were flowing throughout the whole facility of the demon that came into our room. It was an unfortunate event and we decided to make the girls feel safer that we would stay in a hotel for the rest of the time at Laroo.

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