Saturday, March 15, 2008

Random Photos

Holly and my dad while walking through the slums pose in front of a bananna stand. Another photo shows some children in front of their home.

A baby lays in a crib in the babies orphanage.

We bought our meat for dinner at the half price butchery. Just kidding.

Baby Martina at potty time. She was a special girl to me. I would have loved to take her home.


Bennett Family said...

beautiful posts once again! you need to put a book together when you get home!

Jennifer said...

I know somebody who can help you put a wonderful book together when you get home. :)

Sandi Lyman said...

Wow! you are finally living out your dream! You are really making a difference to the kids there but also to those of us reading your posts. I am showing the kids all the photos. They can't believe what they are seeing and how also realizing how blessed they are. Things are going well here, though no bites on the house yet. Sean is loving his job and the snow has finally melted. two very good things! We are going to WA for spring break-can't wait! Keep up the good work and I'll talk to you soon. Love you!! Sandi